I’m writing on behalf of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) in support of Alex’s Lemonade Days, an annual 3-day fundraiser where supporters from coast to coast hold lemonade stands to raise funds for childhood cancer research. I am also a part of Bloggin’ Mamas Social Good Campaign.
Lemonade Days is held each year during the second weekend of June – the time of year when Alex always held her lemonade stand – to honor Alex and all of our childhood cancer heroes.
Since Alex’s first front yard lemonade stand, there have been more than 20,000 ALSF lemonade stands held across the country and world. Alex’s Lemonade Stands make a meaningful difference at any time of the year, however Lemonade Days is a time when supporters join forces and hold stands simultaneously to be a part of our largest annual fundraiser. In the spirit of Alex’s ambitious goal to raise $1 million, which she reached before she passed away in 2004, Lemonade Days weekend consistently raises $1 million annually.
As a bonus – each Lemonade Days stand host receives a special edition Lemonade Days fundraising kit. The fundraising kit includes materials such as posters, banners, thank you notes, fundraising tips, ALSF merchandise and more.
How Can You Help Alex’s Lemonade Days?
Will you help us spread the word about Lemonade Days? Your donation of a blog post and social media shares can make a big difference in the fight against childhood cancer. Here are a few simple ways you can help:
- Share a blog post about Alex’s Lemonade Days, which encourages readers to hold a Lemonade Stand and to register for a free fundraising kit. (customized guest posts can be provided if that is your preference.)
- Visit LemonadeDays.org and register by June 5, 2015 to request a free fundraising kit and to access downloadable materials for your lemonade stand. The kits include needed materials; posters, banners, thank you notes, fundraising tips, and more.
- Schedule some social media updates using #LemonadeDays: Let us know if you’re willing to do this. We’ll send out a reminder with sample tweets and status updates.
- Join our Twitter Chat: Please join @AlexsLemonade on May 28th from 1-2pm ET using #LemonadeDays to learn how you can fight childhood cancer and to chat with some “hero families”.
- Host a Lemonade Stand: If you are interested in hosting a Lemonade Stand, please let us know. We would be happy to assist you and to send you an exclusive “blogger fundraising kit.”
Here are some additional resources for your blog posts:
· About Alex: http://www.alexslemonade.org/about/meet-alex
· FAQs about ALSF: http://www.alexslemonade.org/about/faq
· Childhood Cancer Facts Infographic: http://www.alexslemonade.org/childhood-cancer-facts
· Lemonade Stand Coloring Page: http://www.alexslemonade.org/campaign/kids-corner/coloring-activity-pages
Drink up!
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