What is the Maker Faire and Why Do I Love it?
The Maker Faire is coming to the SF Bay area May 16 – 17th. The Maker Faire is organized by MAKE magazine, a leader in the DIY (Do It Yourself) industry. I describe the Maker Faire as a love affair between people who love to create things and people who want to learn about new things. But on a really REALLY large scale. The entire Convention center both inside and out will be covered with things to do such as Young Makers halls, activities such Learn to Solder sponsored by Google; events to watch such as Game of Thrones and the Coke Mentos presentation and really interesting people to speak with such as John Collins the World Record Holder for flying paper airplanes and toy inventor Bob Knetzger.
I think of it this way. Why talk about STEAM when you can talk to the people who are STEAM?
By the way, with the exception of souvenirs, lockers, food and rides everything at the Maker Faire is included in the price of your ticket. One and you’re done so to speak.
What’s On Our List for the Maker Faire 2015?
Here is a list of some of the shows/demonstrations/places that are on our ‘Must See’ list for 2015. You can make your own list by viewing the Program Guide, the Map and downloading the Maker Faire App. This is in no particular order.
- TechGirls (a young girls tech group sponsored by the YWCA) will be showing their projects in Young Makers (Zone 8) inside Sequoia Hall. Yes I am a proud Mom.
- Coke Zero & Mentos Fountains with Stephen Voltz, Fritz Grobe How about a re-creation of the Bellagio Fountains?
- MegaBot: A 15 foot ball MegaBot with a cannon that shots paint balls the size of bowling balls.

- The Nautilus: A striking resemblance to the vessel of the same name. Only this one is on wheels and drives around its section of the Faire. We also look forward to seeing the Robot Dragon Train (and perhaps getting a ride).
My all time favorite (which is not scheduled to be at the Maker Fair this year is the Sashimi Tabernacle Choir. Watch this video and be amazed.
- Giant Spirograph: A 10 foot tall Spirograph that is people powered and uses sidewalk chalk.
- The CoasterDad Project: Will Pemble, a Bay area local is showing off his custom backyard roller coasters to the Faire. I want one!
More Important Links for the Maker Faire 2015
Visit the Maker Faire site, purchase tickets in advance (ticket prices increase when you purchase them at the Faire). You can also reserve a locker for the day for $15.
Follow the Maker Faire on Twitter, Facebook. and other social media.
I will have a separate post on how to get ready for the Faire.
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