About Marian Kicklighter, a Silicon Valley Mom

Hi, welcome to my blog. My name is Marian Kicklighter and I’m a mom in Silicon Valley. I created my web site Celebrate-Family.com as a destination for people looking for positive input in their lives. I had originally envisioned a site where people could post happy news and announcements, anything to combat the seemingly constant bombardment of negative news that we experience each day.

The focus changed when my husband was laid off from Adobe. I found myself looking for activities for my family that would allow us to maintain our standard of living without impacting our budget. In other words, money was tight, but we didn’t want our children to be affected by the situation.

That’s how I found my passion. I became an aggregator of family activities. When to go to the zoo, where to get passes to museums, what is the best day for going to the movies, how do you attend the theater for the least amount of money?? I found myself sharing the information with friends and relatives. And hence, my site. You can reach me at Celebrate-Family.com (my original site) or SiliconValleyMom.com (which for some people is easier to remember). The content is the same.

You can subscribe to my free newsletter at SiliconValleyMom.com to get daily or weekly updates about things to do in the San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose Area.

Thanks for visiting,



(rebublished from 2/19/2008  6:31:00 PM)

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