for our baby Lee Lee Bop
Maddie’s Weekend 2015 is May 30 and 31 this year. If you haven’t heard yet about Maddie and why this weekend is so important to animal shelters in the SF Bay area it’s because, participating organizations are not only offering thousands of animals at no cost, but in some cases, getting an extra boost which in turns helps fund their efforts.
Click toTweet: Free Pet Adoptions During Maddie’s Weekend 2015 #ThanksToMaddie #MaddiesAdopt
All of this is thanks to Dave and Cheryl Duffield and in honor of Maddie, their beloved miniature schnauzer.
During this weekend, Maddie’s Fund will give participating shelters from $200 to $2,500 for each animal adopted. Not just for dogs and cats, but also bunnies, snakes and other cuddly friends. Sometimes it is not our want for a new 4 footed family friend but the adoption cost that is the problem. It is hard to set aside $200-$300 for adoption fees plus the other expenses of a new pet (food, bedding and toys). Maddie’s Weekend takes away that pressure and let’s you focus just on finding that new forever friend.
How Do I Find A Participating Organization
For the San Francisco Bay area the organizations that are working with Maddie’s Fund are in San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, and Santa Clara counties. If you don’t live in one of these counties, don’t worry, just pick the closest one to you. You can view a number of the animals on-line, but most shelters are not holding animals so if there is a special one you see, don’t wait.
Check the Maddie’s Fund site for locations. Many organizations will have pop ups, temporary locations for the weekend. And read the qualifications for each group so that you have the necessary ID and information. More importantly, be sure about what you want in a pet. Here are some links to help you determine what the best dog breed is for you: Animal Planet Breed Selector and DogTime Breed MatchUp.
And even if you can’t adopt, Maddie’s Fund is always looking for volunteers to help with cause. Click here for more information.
Thank you Maddie, Dave and Cheryl.
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