As the New Year begins, here are is this Mom’s List of Things to do to Start The New Year Right. Sometimes it feels as if we run from one season (or holiday) to the next so I hope this list of suggestions is helpful to you.
Start the New Year Right: School Related Activities
Check backpacks and lunch bags for rips and tears. Repair or replace them as necessary. If you need to replace a backpack, check the guarantee before you buy a new one. It also might be a good idea to give the backpack a run in the washer. Also check gym sneakers for wear and fit.
Check school supplies and replace (or replenish). You will find a number of school items on sale at your local OfficeMax/Office Depot and Staples.
Make appointments for doctors, dentists and check for vaccinations needed especially for next school year. It is just 6-7 weeks before Ski Week here in the San Francisco area. A perfect time to catch up on appointments.
For 11th graders, make note of the SAT and ACT tests for June. Begin making lists of colleges that are of interest.
Get your 2015 calendar. I recommend a 24 x 36 wall calendar so that you can view all the entire year. Note important dates on the calendar such as last day of school, holidays, teacher in-service days, vacation breaks, early release dates and graduation dates. For 5th, 8th and 12 grades, note dates for special events and deadlines for yearbook photos and submissions.

Start the New Year Right: Clean Your Closets, Get a Handle on Clutter
Get rid of clothes and that have been outgrown. Create a parent and child activity as you ready the clothes for sale or donation. If you plan to sell your clothes or other items, try the TotSpot or Close5 apps.
Make a note of clothes and jackets that are needed. Take advantage of after Christmas and New Year’s sales or try your shopping at Goodwill and Savers. Find bargains at TotSpot and Close5. Get a $5 gift when you download and register the TotSpot app. Download here, register using invite code BREZTD to redeem $5 gift. Expires January 31, 2015.
Start the New Year Right: General Planning, Finances and Travel
Begin planning for Spring Break travels, summer activities and make camping reservations.
January is the best time to purchase sheets and bed clothes so make a list of anything that you need and check the sales.
Update your insurance and home inventory to include purchase and gifts received during the holiday.
Start the new year right by ordering free copies of your credit report.
If you haven’t done so already, file your receipts for holiday purchases and gifts, just in case something needs to be returned. Your filing doesn’t have to be elaborate; you can recycle a baggie and write on the outside, Xmas Receipts 2015, hold until March 1, 2015.
Energize your menu by checking out a book from your local library. You can find menu ideas for school lunches and slow cookers at your library or peruse this selection from Amazon: School Lunches, Slow Cookers
Set goals for 2015.
Have a wonderful year!
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