This post was most recently updated on June 10th, 2019
A great way to prepare for the next school year, is to close out this one with a little cleaning and organization. Here are 10 easy tips to get you started in the right direction.
- Create a list of things to be purchased or replaced before the beginning of the next school year.
Keep the list in a central area so that items can easily be added.Back to school sales begin in July. In my house, I am always on the lookout for notebooks that with 2-3 pages used, that for some reason always end up in the ‘to be recycled’ stack.
- Check backpacks and lunch bags for rips and tears. Repair or list the item on your shopping list as necessary. If you need to replace a backpack, check the guarantee before you buy a new one. It is also a good idea to give backpacks and lunch boxes a run in the washer.
- Check gym clothes for wear and fit.
- Make DOD (Doctor, Optometrist, Dentist) appointments, and check for vaccinations needed especially for next school year. If your kids are going to play on a sports team, schedule the appointments closer to the beginning of school, and check the school web site for doctor forms.
- Print and post the school calendar for next school year. If you can’t find it on the school’s web site, try doing this web search, [school district name] instructional calendar [school year]. For example, San Jose Unified Instructional Calendar 2019. In my house we have a 24 x 36 At A Glance Year Wall Calendar. Each year I write in
- school holidays,
- vacations and
- special dates.
We have the current year and add the next year each August so that I can list all of the dates for the next school year.
- Designate a place to keep letters and info about the next school year.
- Begin the dreaded “closet cleaning” so you have a real idea of what clothes and shoes your kids will need before the start of the next year.
- Block out the week before school starts so that you can keep extra activities to a minimum, help get you and your kids back into the school schedule, and have time available for shopping, getting schedules and any other last minute ‘things to do’.
- If you have an incoming Jr. in high school who may be eligible for Merit Scholarships, you may want to look into SAT test prep during the summer as the SAT test for Merit Scholarships is in October.
- If you have an incoming Sr. in high school, who hasn’t taken the SAT or ACT for their college applications, then you may want to review the dates for the exams (and registration deadlines). You may want to look into SAT or ACT test prep during the summer.
- If you have a graduating Sr. getting ready for college, start a Wish List of “Things for My Dorm” or “Things I’d Like Someone Else to Buy“, for those friends and family members who want to contribute graduation or birthday gifts. Suggestions might be a couple of sets of XL Bed in Bag sets, mattress toppers and protectors, or dorm essentials. Target.com offers an online registry with pick ups at local Target stores.
Lastly, you may want to take some time to review the past school year with your kids, get a handle on what worked for them, what didn’t, what they liked or didn’t like about class, studying, teachers and subjects. See if there is anything that they might like to work on (or you would ‘like’ them to work on) during the summer.
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